No More Hiding.

The past few weeks, as I prepare for the unknown that is to come, I have been learning a lot about fear. I wish these lessons could just be the Sunday School Classroom lessons, but they are in no way confined to a simple conversation. This fear that I have been learning about is very real, it has the power to hinder so many incredible experience, and attempts to stop me dead in my tracks most of the time.

I was struck the other day though, while in the middle of a cave, by the power of fear. Now, let me just take a minute and highly encourage you to go cave exploring. It was proabably one of the coolest things I have ever done (along with a list of others)! I was in this cave with a group of classmates during our Camping class final project. We spent a weekend away from time restraints and computer-mediated interactions. Through this weekend, I learned so much about who God is and where He has me in this season of life. One of my classmates began a conversation on connections between our cave exploration and Scripture. We began talking about the ever-familiar story that I have heard over and over again. It was then that God spoke clearly into my heart a lesson I so desperately needed to hear and cling to.

Adam and Eve were happy in the Garden of Eden, living in connection to God. Until they ate from the forbidden tree. You know how the story goes (and if not, that's totally can read it starting in Genesis 2)! As the story continues, Eve and Adam eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then, they hide. I used to always read this and think that they were hiding so that they could protect their newly discovered "private parts." But as I heard Adam's response again I realized that it is so much more than that. Adam replied to God calling Him near to Him again by saying, "I heard you walking in the garden so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked" (Gen. 3:10).

Fear caused Adam to hide from the Living God. It was not the unknown, or even the newly known. It was fear! God already knew that Adam and Eve were fully exposed. There was no need for Adam to hide because of his self. He hid because he was afraid.

How often do you do that?! I know I am guilty of doing the same thing far too often. I am in that boat right now. I let fear of the unknown, of change, of exposure separate me from the power and beauty of God. I try to hide in order to somehow protect myself. How does that even make sense?! Why would I run away from the all-knowing because of fear of what I don't know? Why would I let fear separate me from the One who already knows all outcomes?

I can't tell you why I let fear hinder me and cause me to hide from the powerful God I love. But what I can tell you is that I am so sick of it!

As I approach the unknown of each moment of life, I want to do so in the fullness of the Creator. No hiding. No fear. Just complete awe and reverence of who God is and what He is doing!


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