In This Ordinary Moment.
I like to hear from God. I know I may sound crazy, but it's true! I like learning to listen to what it is He has to teach me and how He wants to do so. I like seeing Him in crazy, unique ways and drawing connections others may not see. I like when He whispers, and sometimes when He shouts. I like when He is subtle and when He is blatantly trying to get my attention. I like when He tells me great truths, and I'm learning to accept the not-so-fun ones as well. I like when I'm stretched and challenged in my beliefs and my routine lifestyle. I like when I can see God and the world with a fresh pair of eyes as God reveals His truth in mysterious ways. I like trying to unravel the mysteries of who God is and who He made me to be. I like being able to share my discoveries and sit back as others learn to hear from God as well. I like having stories to tell of when I heard God and why I believe it was Him. I like to hear from God.
However, I am learning about something I don't really like...
Waiting for an answer, a lesson, a story, a revelation. I really don't like waiting.
I am learning to stop expecting God to speak to me with a "share-worthy" story all the time. I want to learn to like "now." This ordinary moment.
The more I learn to wait on God, the more I realize that there is no need to wait. I like that idea.
I like the idea that waiting on the Lord actually means being present with Him. Now. In this ordinary moment.
That doesn't mean He will always speak, move, or show-off for us when we ask. No, we still have to wait for His timing and His plans. What I don't have to wait for, though, is His presence. He is always here. Now. In this ordinary moment.
He is not constrained to the limitations of time or my personal perceptions, but He still wants to be here with me. Now. And that makes this moment way greater than ordinary.
No, He doesn't always need to shift my perspective, challenge my mind, transform my heart, or teach me something life-altering for everyone to know. But He is always here. I don't have to wait for some significant moment. Instead I need to learn to like living here and now with my Savior and King. In this extraordinary moment.
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