Haiti Still Has My Heart
As I have been reflecting on the trip we got home from about a week ago, I realize there is a lot to try to process that happened in 2 weeks. And honestly, I'm not even sure where to start!
A lot of people have been asking how the trip was and I don't always know how to answer. It was an amazing trip! But it was also challenging. Full of excitement and fun. Hard at times. Heartbreaking. Joyous. Exhausting in all forms of the word. Yet refreshing. It was a learning experience for so many reasons. God captured our attentions in ways we didn't let Him while we were at home in our comfort zones. He showed us the work He is doing in Haiti and even let us join in with some of it! It was a blessing, even the moments of trial. The enemy tried to do his work, but our God proved His victory that we can walk in fearlessly. Our team bonded...quite quickly...in ways most people wouldn't understand! Our team grew...closer together, as individuals, and in their relationships with God. We wrestled with how to effectively share God's love, serve others, and get our colons to cooperate. We spoke life into the lives of each other to combat the enemy's lies. We prayed. We cried. We laughed. We played with kids. We tried to learn Kreyol. We mispronounced a lot of names. We shared the best news ever--the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We celebrated baptism. We held babies. We met incredible missionaries. We had divine appointments. We acted like animals. We fought sickness. We hugged. We smiled. God moved. We watched and joined when we could! We gave all we could so God can do all He desires!
It sure is hard to sum all that and more up into an answer that is easier to listen to!
But there is one thing we did not do...we did not bring God to Haiti.
He is already there! God is already moving and working in the lives, stories, and darkness of Haiti. We cannot limit Him enough to say that we brought Him. His plans are far greater than anything we could accomplish in two weeks. His love for His people in Haiti is far too great to only bring for two weeks. God is already present in Haiti and He is doing amazing things to capture the hearts of His beloved! It is a blessing to know that God cannot fit into our limited minds, plans, and perspectives. And yet God chooses to include us into His mind, plans, and perspective.
He wants to use us in all that He is doing because when He uses us it calls for us to lean into Him. He wants us to draw near to Him as He draws near to us!
We had an amazing trip, one that simply transformed our lives in unique ways. I'm still trying to process it all, but I don't think I can ever fully wrap my mind around it all. My mind is too small and my God and His work are so grand!
As I continue this processing journey, I would love to share more about the work God did in our team, in the lives of people we met, and in me! If you want to hear more, please ask (You just may have to ask specific questions if you want more specific answers)!
Our God is alive and moving all around us. He has big plans! How are you jumping into the work He is doing right now, right where you are?!
Live in the boldness of the Good News of Christ today!
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