Dear Friend
There are some times when I feel like totally giving up,
but because of you, my friend, I keep pushing forward.
There are some days when I have to fight back the tears;
you, my friend, don't let me get away with faking it.
There are some moments when all I need is a good ol' belly laugh;
you, my friend, make that happen without even trying.
There are some days when I think back on moments that make life worthwhile;
you, my dear friend, make an appearance in those memories.
There are some days when I think back on moments that make life worthwhile;
you, my dear friend, make an appearance in those memories.
There is something about being your friend that makes me want to try harder, laugh louder, speak truer, dance sillier, and live bolder. Being your friend has taught me not to take life so seriously, but to be diligent in each day I've been given. I've learned through our friendship to let go and laugh at myself, but to also learn through each moment. You've taught me that taking care of myself is important, but also that I'm here on this planet to care for others. You've shown me how to chase my dreams and passions, no matter where that takes me. You've taught me how to believe in the power of my dreams. You've demonstrated the beauty of knowledge, as well as the peace that surpasses understanding. You've loved me well and cared for me deeply, setting an example that I want to follow. You've shown me the value of loving others like Christ first loved us. You've proven that grace is a game changer; fear can be overcome; and nothing outweighs love.
Being friends with you has made me strive to be the best that I can be. I consider it the greatest privilege that you have let me into your life. Thank you. I could not imagine my world without you in it: your persistence, your grace, your confidence, your boldness, your uniqueness, your passion for life, your love for people, your sense of adventure, and your tender spirit. If it weren't for your hugs, your encouragement, your silliness, your depth, your faith, your patience, your forgiveness, your listening ear, your tough love, and your prayers...I would not be who I am today. Being friends with you makes me want to be a better version of me. Being friends with you means the world to me.
So dear friends, I hope you know who you are, remember that you are valuable. Remember that you are unique and cherished. Remember that this world needs you to be you, because no one else can fill the space you are in. No one else can hold the place in my heart that you hold. No one else helped create the memories I hold dear with you. No one can love exactly like you do. No one can tell your jokes like you do, or do your dance moves like you can. No one else can take your place, my friend. And I would never want someone to even try!
I love YOU so dearly. I am soo grateful for YOU! Thank YOU!
God is at work through you, my friend, I am living proof of that! Thank you for allowing Him to change my life through you! Thank you for being my friend and for showing me a fuller picture of who God is.
Dear friend, you are dearly valued.
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