
Boldness. A word that has stood out to me recently more than ever before.
It is a scary thing to think about...the fact that we get so comfortable in our every day life that boldness is but a mere suggestion, not an expectation.
I am so guilty of living life in the safe zone, afraid to step into the uncomfortable. It is easy for me to be okay with being uncomfortable when I prepare for a long time for it. Yet even then, I fight to be comfortable as often as possible.
I had the opportunity to spend this last week in Wisconsin for intern training with Next Step Ministries. When I arrived in Madison, fear struck me to the core. I was so nervous, I felt paralyzed. I had to turn to the face of The Lord to find even the least bit amount of boldness. All week, I fought for comfort. I wanted to be comfortable, to be free from nerves and challenge. I wanted to be able to do this on my own.
It was there God met me where I was to remind me of His strength and goodness. I was reminded that to do this on my own was to rob myself of the power of the Living God. I need Him to be present. I need Him to be His All Powerful self. I need Him to have the room He deserves to move and to be! I am so grateful for the beauty of my Savior! A beauty that is made evident in the uncomfortable, challenges, learning experiences that He places before us!
As I take another step of boldness, I am humbled by the work of The Lord. We are all called to be bold, wherever we are. Find your uncomfortable and jump right into it! In the boldness of love there is transformation, there is joy, there are memories made, there are lessons learned, and there is Glory given to the One who deserves it all! I am learning the beauty of letting yourself be bold in the footsteps of the Living God!


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