Only Today.

All we have right now is this moment. 

And even now that moment is already gone. Our days aren't guarenteed. Our moments cannot be grasped or stored. 

All we have is now. And we have the power to decide what we are going to do with it. 

Today I am reminded of the brevity and uncertainty of life. I am reminded of the pain that comes with healing. I am reminded of memories that I wish were only nightmares. Today, I am reminded of the brokenness of this world. 

Yet somehow in the midst of these reminders, I am reminded of how beautifully faithful God is. Today I choose not to forget that God is who He says He is. His character does not fall dependent upon my circumstances. Who He is does not shift or waver because of what we go through. Today I am reminded of my God. The God who created the Universe we live in and the One who has the power to do whatever He wants with it. I am reminded of the God who exists outside of time and limitations. I'm reminded of a God who is able to do immeasureably more than I could ever hope or imagine. 

Today, I remember. Some of those memories will never fade, no matter how much time has passed. Today is all I have. Right now. So, with this moment I choose to remember who God is, what He has done, and all He is doing right now, today. 

Not everyone gets a tomorrow. Some won't even finish out today. But you, right now, have this moment. So I challenge you to decide what you are going to do with it. Don't let it go to waste because when it is gone, it's gone. 

Live boldly, trust passionately, love radically. 

God is still God no matter what your circumstances may try to make you believe. Life sucks sometimes. But God is still God. And God is still good. Therefore, He is worthy to be praised! Right now! 


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