Three Small Words.

There are three words that I believe create the most crippling phrase. I have heard them used far too often lately, and have used them too often myself. Each time, it is thought to be a valid statement of reason. However, I have seen them to be much more of an excuse masked in the attempt to sound self-aware. 

Fear is a powerful force. It has the power to break down our hopes, standards, dreams, and progress. It stops us in our tracks, reminds us of our past, and blinds us to reality. Fear can easily be disguised in the attempts to ignore it. Fear leads to this crippling phrase I have mentioned before. 

"I'm not ready." 

Three simple words, yet together they become a stop sign, a U-turn, a crutch, an excuse, a hindrance. 

So often we steer quickly away from something that could be remarkable because we don't think we are ready for it. We miss out because we think we need to do X, Y, and Z before we can get to something else (that is usually unrelated to our made up to-do lists). 

It's like jumping in to a swimming pool...if you feel the water before you jump in, you are more likely to talk yourself out of getting in. Instead, if you tell yourself you will jump in no matter what the water feels like, you are more likely to actually do it. Our minds are powerful. 

They are a powerful gift. One we have been given by God, yet we far too often let our minds keep us from experiencing all God has in store for us. We remain stuck in the fear and rationalities our minds hold. 

Allow me to set something straight...God does not make sense. At least not to our powerful yet extremely limited minds. We cannot make sense of God because He is not concerned with us making sense of Him or all that He does and plans to do. So if God doesn't make any sense, sometimes He places before us opportunities to join Him in something that does not make sense. There are countless examples of this throughout Scripture! 

There are also tons of examples where people tried to use the "I'm not ready" excuse and God debunked that myth in marvelous ways! And maybe the key is that we will never be ready. Maybe we need to accept the fact that some of the best things God sets before us will come at a time when we are so not ready. Maybe He wants us in our weaknesses so that He can reveal His strength. Maybe we need to be willing to step away from our desire to have it all together and instead be willing to let God blow our minds as He stretches us, molds us, and makes us ready in His ways! Maybe it is time we stop limiting the Limitless God to our readiness. 

So what is it that you have been afraid to step into? What have you said "I'm not ready" to? How have you been hiding behind those words or fear? How can God be glorified in you stepping away from that and saying yes to Him? 
Instead of saying "I'm not ready" then running the other way, what if we changed our approach to "God, I am not ready for this on my own...but I want you to use me however you choose!"

Here's a quick disclaimer! I'm not saying this phrase is bad, there are sometimes when it is valid. (Like when you are getting dressed in the morning and you aren't ready for the day yet). What I'm talking about is using this phrase in a way that keeps us from letting God work in our lives. In every situation, align it with Scripture and prayer and make sure it it God's will. He will not call you into something that is unbiblical.


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